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The Mercantile Biggest City in India fornent Gateway of India

LAST UPDATED:    2002/07/14
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Friday, 19, December1997

Saturday, 20, December1997


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Boat ticket to ride to Elephanta island Gateway of India form England and anywhere today


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Visitors front of Gateway of India


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Elephanta Caves

"The name Elephanta by which the island is now known originated with the Portuguese, after they found a massive elephant structure on the island in the 18th century A.D. This is now displayed at the Jijamata Gardens in Mumbai.

The basalt rock carved Hindu cave temples of Elephanta are dedicated to Lord Shiva and date back to the 5-7cencury A.D.These seven caves were originally decorated with paintings of which now only traces remain.

The famous idol of the Maheshmurti Shiva has earned the cave international acclaim. The three heads are of Aghora. Tatpurusha and Vandeva with Sadyojata at the back and Ishana at the top.

Around the Maheshmurti in eight panels are sculptures portraying the relentless energy of Load Shiva. Today the Elephanta caves are a World Heritage monument."


Woman put a water pot on her head who welcomes visitors to   help for take good  picture, and get small fee.



玄武岩で出来たエレファンタのヒンドゥ神殿は,神シバに捧げられた。七つの洞穴は,さかのぼる5-7世紀 A.D.残る跡をたどると絵画で元来は,飾られていた。





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The commemorative picture with local young visitors with woman principal from Mumbai A Girl running a comb through in front of Cave


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Women Visitors from Yokohama, Janan Local visitors at Elephanta cave



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One of the cave in back side Return to the Gateway of India



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Bye Elephanta island ! The Return to Gateway of India



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Boat after one hour voyage from island




Thursday, 18, December1997

Can I find the hotel tonight? I walk around in the city to reserve a hotel room for tonight, in particular popular accommodation among youngsters,  Salvation Army, YMCA international but all full be flourishing. Finally, you must visit to Govern. of India Tourist Information Center.

Friday, 19, December1997


Even for the hotel tonight, in turn, I go to same and depend upon The Govern. of India.

I lined together among other person of local Indian to get ticket in Victoria terminus St. in Mumbai. At 8 o'clock p.m., I can get waiting ticket. To get ticket, you should know it not easy in India.  




Saturday, 20, December1997

The day of the trip going Elephanta Island. Fine that day! also I happy come across Japanese women and have a feast of sandwiches seasoning with simply cheese. It's unforgettable memory.




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